St. John Baptist Church - Tuscaloosa, AL

St. John Baptist Church - Tuscaloosa, AL


The Youth Department 

Youth Directors: Joycelyn Woods, Chair; Patricia Ford, Co-Chair

Youth Directors: Joycelyn Woods, Chair; Patricia Ford, Co-Chair

Our Motto

Unlocking a Generation of Potential…

Growing In Faith, Uniting In Love

Youth Directors contact:

Our Mission

St. John Baptist Church Youth Ministry is to guide our youth to answer the call of personal discipleship, evangelization and leadership, and to connect our young people to the Christian community through involvement in the life of the Church and the larger community.

The Purpose of St. John Baptist Youth Ministry is to...

  • empower young people to live as disciples of Jesus Christ in our world today.
  • draw young people to responsible participation in the life, mission, and work of the Baptist faith community.
  • nurture the personal and spiritual growth of each young person.

In collaboration with our Church Family the Goals of St. John Baptist Youth Ministry are to...

  • form young disciples of Jesus Christ.
  • provide knowledge of the Baptist Faith.
  • invite a deeper understanding of the real presence of Jesus Christ.
  • provide a moral formation in Jesus Christ.
  • teach the importance of prayer and how to pray with Christ.
  • prepare active participants in the life and mission of the Church through the sharing of time, treasures, and talents.
  • promote a missionary spirit that will be a Christian presence in society.
  • provide time, space, a caring environment, and caring professionals to address complex issues associated with living a Christian life in the 21st Century.